Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle returns to WWE's Wrestlemania after 12 years!! With tag-team partner Ronda Rousey, this Olympian team puts Triple H and Stephanie McMahon to shame.
Kurt highlights Grappz abilities on the grandest stage with millions of eyes on him. He looked amazing, showing the world what Grappz can do with a beautiful barrage of German Suplexes on Triple H. Kurt relentlessly holds his C-Clamp grip around Triple H, while rag-dolling him with a 'vice grip' as dictated by the WWE commentator all while wearing Grappz. A perfect display of what Grappz is about and why it's now a part of Kurt's WWE Uniform.
Very proud of Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey, thought this match was one of the best on the card, check it out for yourself here!