
Grappz gloves work by providing a unique combination of compression, stability, and flexibility to protect your fingers during sports activities. Here’s a breakdown of how Grappz gloves function: 1. Dual-Layer Compression Grappz gloves are designed with a dual-layer compression system that envelops each finger. This compression provides a snug fit that supports the finger joints, helping to prevent injuries such as sprains, strains, and dislocations. The gloves apply consistent pressure around the fingers, which helps to reduce swelling and improve circulation—key factors in both injury prevention and recovery. 2. Enhanced Stability Unlike traditional buddy taping, which can be inconsistent and...

New Innovative Wearable Performance Enhancing Technology For Athletes
Grappz was innovated to protect athletes who are prone to finger jams, sprains, dislocations and breaks. Furthermore, the division of the four fingers into two pairs with compression into two separate sleeves, creating synergy within the two fingers compressed together, Grappz helps increase the strength and control of an athlete’s grip with no sacrifice to mobility. 
5 Greatest Life Lessons Of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
The Brazilian Jiujitsu community has enjoyed a massive following and a diverse ever-growing community due to the success it has enjoyed inside the Ultimate Fighting Championships. Statistically 90% of all fights end up on the ground. Because Brazilian Jiujitsu is the most comprehensive ground grappling system in the world, many argue that it is the most practical of all martial arts.
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